Friday, October 14, 2011

The Semester is HALFWAY (what halfway?!?!) Done

I can't believe the semester is halfway done. I am swamped in homework and projects, but I am having enjoying this semester. I recently went home for fall break and I got to see my family and my grandparents (9 people in a household is kinda crazy). I also got to see my little brother (who is not so little) march at a marching competition. It was so great to see him march, he did awesome and their show is awesome. I went to soccer games for my other two little brothers (who are also not so little). They both won their games, so that was plus. My best friend came home with me and we had a blast together. The best part of the break was going to my mom's classroom and playing the guitar and leading songs for the class. I missed pumpkin unloading (sad horrible day) but I hope the church's pumpkin patch goes well and we sell a lot of pumpkins. Phi Mu is keeping me busy. I have a date party tonight and we are going ice skating. I can't wait. Having a lot of sisters is is going to be wonderful for the next 2 years. We also have Big/Little week next week. I will get gifts for 5 days and on the last day I will find out who is my big is!!!!! It is going to be awesome. Well that is all for now enjoy these pictures!!!
